Take our recent Christmas pictures for example.

To top it off after shooting hundreds of pictures these were the good ones! LOL
I'd gotten up early to go and buy everyone white socks. Early. Three packs of white socks. Early. What do you see on their precious little feet. Why? Why do they think I bought brand new, white socks??
The Scowler. You see him? He's 7 going on 70. You want to know his story for the scowl? You see there was this Etch A Sketch. Yes, that Etch A Sketch. The one you can only draw different lines on. The one you shake and it makes a great noise and then you can start all over. His little sister was playing with it and he shook it and she got mad and walked away. He was playing with it and his big brother came over and shook it and he got mad. But there was no walking away for this one. OH NO! He proceeded to scowl through all of the pictures. All of them. I even offered McDonalds for lunch if he would just wipe the scowl off. I'm not above bribing to get a good picture. Dollar menus are always handy. It didn't work and it stunk for me because guess what? We were already going to McDs for lunch that day anyway. Groan. I'd broken one of my cardinal rules, don't make a consequence you don't intend to keep. After the trials and tribulations of that morning there was no way I was giving up lunch out. I guess I could have switched it to the salad place up the street, but they don't have a dollar menu. :P
What does any of this have to do with encouraging you to keep up the good work you are doing?
We all have days where it just seems that our kids are working against everything we are fighting for. Does my son have a heart issue that needs to be addressed. He absolutely does and we are addressing it. Believe it or not this is not the first time his attitude has tried to ruin everyone else's day. He has an anger problem and boy can that kid hold a grudge. We chose not to address the heart issue on this day though. We believe in consistency. However in this short journey we've been on we've also learned that sometimes you just have to let something go. His dad had a talk with him later that day.
The photographer was great and we all laughed and joked about the pictures. Yes, I bought them because you know what? It was a good memory. It really captured my kids well. It was a good memory... for most of us! I hope that one day he can look back and laugh at himself. We have years of training ahead with him and our other children. That one day did not break any of us.
Remember this is a marathon you are on. Some days we'll be running down hill and there will be a breeze and someone at the bottom waiting to hand us a cup of water. Other days we'll be running up hill, sweat pouring off of us, our lungs about to burst and there will be someone on the sideline telling you that you're kids are going to rebel and reject everything you've ever taught them.
One day, one defiant act of behavior, one scowl will not ruin everything you've done. I'm trying to learn to be grateful for those days because they give me insight into my kids and where they are struggling. Use the days when things are right to tie those heart strings. To make those memories that you hope everyone will look back on with a smile. The hard days will be there waiting, but we can use the good memories to make the hard days a little easier.
Hang in there, mama! YOU ARE DOING A GREAT WORK!!
I posted this in the Raising Homemakers Link Up! Check out all the great ideas over there.
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